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FUSION Transitional Housing

Starting in 1993 with a one-bedroom condominium, FUSION now can house up to 20 families in Federal Way and Northeast Tacoma condos and single-family homes. In-house case management ensures a selective screening process as applicants must meet definitive criteria before they are admitted to the program.
A Transition Team of FUSION volunteers cleans and prepares every fully-furnished home to meet the needs of new families. Each child’s bedroom is custom designed with favorite décor and stocked with age-appropriate toys, games and books. At move in, families find food for the first few days in a kitchen stocked with dishes and cookware. Also provided are linens, cleaning kits, and hygiene products.

Each family housed in the safety and security of a FUSION Transitional Housing home stays for up to 18 months. With case management guidance, families use this valuable time to accumulate basic assets and pattern a new lifestyle, all crucial steps in a successful transition to self-sufficiency. FUSION partners with community organizations for additional support services.

Families must agree to set goals and meet regularly with their Case Manager during this time as crucial steps in reaching the stability of employment and a permanent home in their progression to self-reliance.
FUSION has given more than 200 families a chance to move from homelessness to a self-sufficient and productive life. More than 85 percent of our guest families successfully find permanent housing following their stay in FUSION Transitional Housing.
To apply for the program, please fill out the Housing Referral form
When a family is ready to exit from our program, a FUSION-created Finally Home fund helps with moving expenses when no other community funds are available.
You can help FUSION furnish Transitional Housing homes by donating usable furniture and household goods. See what we need.
The Housing Team needs volunteers to manage and maintain FUSION homes. See How To Help or contact to get started.