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Community Resources

FUSION Resources

Stephanie Barnes, FUSION Transitional Housing Case Manager
If you are a family with minor children experiencing homelessness and are looking for Transitional Housing, please fill out the Housing Referral Form.  If you qualify, this will get you on our waiting list. 

Pete Andersen FUSION Family Center
Families in urgent need of shelter are welcomed into the FUSION Family Center in Federal Way for a safe refuge while they work with staff to find employment and permanent housing. Screening for entry is completed via Mary’s Place. If you are a family with minor children in your care experiencing homelessness, call 206-245-1026.

Local Resources for Homelessness

Tacoma Rescue Mission
Individuals and families can reach out to secure emergency shelter and other services at 253-383-4493.

Pierce County Catholic Community Services
253-383-3697 or 800-372-3697
Pierce County Homeless Shelters

King County Catholic Community Services
King County Homeless Shelters

King County 2-1-1
Dial 211 for information on health and human services in King County. Connects people with housing assistance, help with financial needs, and location of the nearest food bank.

King County Crisis Clinic
Caring Crisis helpers can be reached at:
24-Hour Line: 1-866-4CRISIS (1-866-427-4747)
Or Crisis Connections at
Immediate and confidential assistance, including information and linkage to community resources, for people in emotional distress and in need of help. 

Multi-Service Center (South King County)
Phone: 253-838-6810
Senior Housing, Federal Way Food Bank, Federal Way Rotary Clothing Bank, Employment Program, Literacy, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Emergency Shelter, Transitional and Low-Income Rental Housing.

Other Help Lines

TTY — 206-461-3610

Washington Recovery Help Line — 866-789-1511
24-hour help for substance abuse, problem gambling and mental health

Washington Warm Line — 877-500-9276 (877-500-WARM)
Peer support help line for people living with emotional and mental health challenges.