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How to Contact FUSION

PO Box 23934
Federal Way, WA 98093-0934
Office Phone: 253-874-1257
Please leave a voice message and your phone number.
If you are a family with children experiencing homelessness, call 206-245-1026 for emergency housing.
David Harrison, FUSION Executive Director
For information on ticketing or event information,
To give a monetary donation please visit:
Transitional Housing
To apply for the program please fill out the Housing Referral form.   
Pete Andersen FUSION Family Center
1505 S 328th Street
Federal Way, WA 98003
Katie Dillon, Family Center Program Manager
If you would like to speak with a staff person at the Family Center, please call and follow the prompts.
If you are a family with children experiencing homelessness, call 206-245-1026 for emergency housing.
If you are a case manager and looking for housing for your clients, please fill out our Emergency Shelter Referral Form
FUSION Décor Boutique
1108 S. 322nd Place, Federal Way, WA 98003 (directions)
Managers: Peggy LaPorte and Paula Freeman
For donations, contact our Donation Coordinator, Sue, by email at 
Poverty Bay Café
1108 S. 322nd Place, Federal Way, WA 98003 (directions)
Phone: 253-945-0012
Manager: Cody Adams
FUSION Volunteer Coordinator – Rod Nuss
Interested in joining the Board of Directors? Apply today
FUSION is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – Tax ID # is 01-0814641
See Community Resources for contact numbers of other organizations that provide emergency services
Client Fee Portal